County 9-15-24 Important meetings at Land Planning Agency (LPA) and Brevard Board of County Commissioners will take place on Oct 14th (3pm) and Nov 7th (5pm) 2024. Please attend. The BBOC Nov 7th meeting is more important. Petitions are being circulated. Go to Home page to see "Current Action" and "Petition" pages.
Unless we can delay the submission at the Nov. 7th BBOC meeting , on Dec. 1st, the State will receive a rushed plan without proper community input.
STATE 6-20-23
Progress: Restricting Density on Brevard's southern Barrier Island has become part of State law!
We have wonderful news for all of us!!!!
The Governor signed our Bill into law, designating Brevard’s southern Barrier Island as an” Area of Critical State Concern”. This places us in the company of only 5 other designated areas;
Florida Keys, Key West, Apalachicola Bay, Green Swamp and Big Cypress.
This is a great day for our Barrier Island and BIPPA’s mission of preserving the balance of population growth with our natural habitat and wildlife.
The southern Brevard Barrier Island beaches, dunes, coastal scrub, and maritime hammock areas represent one of the most fragile and endangered natural upland communities in the state and the nation. It is also the largest aggregation of nesting loggerhead sea turtles in the world.
HB 1489 passed without a single vote in opposition in either the Senate or House.
Thanks goes to all of you that have worked so very hard to make this happen. Without you taking the time out of your busy lives and contacting our legislators and the Governor, this would not have happened.
This will be effective July 1, 2023.
We thank you and congratulations!
STATE 5-8-23
Progress: The Brevard Barrier Island Act cleared both the full Senate and the full House votes and now goes to the Governor.
Final Action Needed on HB 1489
We were successful in the House and the Senate and now the Act that establishes Brevard's Barrier Island Area as one of Florida’s Areas of Critical State Concern is on its way to the Governor’s office.
HB 1489 is waiting to be signed into law by Governor DeSantis. So let your voices be heard. You can use the template below.
Thank you all for all the hard work that you have done to get this far. Without the necessary infrastructure in place, haphazard development is knocking on our door, so please act now and make 1 call and 1 email.
Contact Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: By email:
[email protected]
By phone:
(850) 717-9337
By mail:
Office of Governor Ron DeSantis,
State of Florida, The Capitol
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001
Draft script or Use your own words:
Dear Governor DeSantis,
I am a resident of Brevard County, Florida and I hope you will support House Bill 1489, which designates the Brevard Barrier Island Area as one of Florida's Areas of Critical State Concern.
This designation would provide heightened protection for one of our Nation's most fragile and endangered coastal ecosystems.
This designation would help protect and preserve the water quality of the already struggling Indian River Lagoon, the world's largest Loggerhead Sea Turtle nesting area, and ensure sustainable growth while protecting this vital natural resource in our state.
Thank You for your consideration.
(your name)
(your address)
STATE 4-27-23
Progress: HB 1489 cleared the FULL FLOOR (120 Representatives) of House vote.
SB 1686 cleared the FULL FLOOR (40 Senators) of Senate vote.
STATE 4-26-23
Please Make 1 e-mail and 1 call now.
Congratulations to all of you that worked so hard on this.
We are not finished yet…So hang on!
Action Needed:
Please make 1 e-mail and 1 phone call to the Senate President Kathleen Passidomo.
Senate = SB 1686
1) E-mail: Passidomo.[email protected]
and BCC the Block below :
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject Line: “Thank You for Advancing SB 1686 to the Calendar”
Dear President of the Senate Passidomo,
Thank You for advancing SB 1686 to the Special Order Calendar.
2) Call President Kathleen Passidomo 850-487-5229
Here’s the Message: Use any part of this or in your own words.
I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686 and believe that passing the bill will be important for one of Florida's most fragile barrier islands and will:
1) Reduce Sewerage from septic going into the already struggling Indian River Lagoon (as there are no sewers going to the south end of the island);
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve, the largest loggerhead area of nesting in the world and home of 3,000,000 hatchlings every summer;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes (single lane, causeways 27 miles apart),
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up and fire-rescue, trying not to repeat the events of Ian and Nicole, and
5) Reduce pressure on our already struggling property insurance market.
The southern barrier island of Brevard County represents one of the most fragile and endangered coastal ecosystems in North America and the ocean, lagoon, beaches, dunes, coastal scrub, and maritime hammock areas of the barrier island ecosystem represent some of the most fragile and endangered natural upland communities, and fish and wildlife, in the state and nation.
Please Support SB 1686.
Thank You, (Your name), (Where you live)
STATE 4-24-23
Progress: SB 1686 cleared final Rules committee with unanimous approval!
STATE 4-20-23
Progress: HB 1489 cleared final House Infrastructure committee with unanimous approval!
5 Committees cleared, 1 more to go.
SB 1686 will be voted on Monday at 1 pm Action: Please send e-mails and calls to the LAST committee in Senate.
1) E-Mail Senator Mayfield with BCC to committee block below:
On Subject Line: "I Support SB 1686"
[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
2) Calls: Senators on Rules committee “I SUPPORT of SB 1686
Chair: Senator Debbie Mayfield 321-409-2025, Senator Ileana Garcia (305) 442-6841, Vice Chair: Senator Keith Perry (352) 264-4040,
Senator Ed Hooper (727) 771-2102 Senator Travis Hutson (386) 446-7610, Senator Lauren Book (954) 424-6674
Senator Shevrin D. "Shev" Jones (305) 493-6002 Senator Jim Boyd 941) 742-6445, Senator Doug Broxson (850) 595-1036
Senator Darryl Ervin Rouson (727) 822-6828, Senator Danny Burgess (813) 779-7059, Senator Corey Simon (850) 487-5003,
Senator Colleen Burton (863) 413-1529, Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr. (407) 846-5187 Senator Nick DiCeglie (727-563-1910, Senator Clay Yarborough 904) 723-2035
4 Others below, if you have the time:
Senator Dennis Baxley (352) 750-3133, Senator Jason Brodeur (407) 333-1802,
Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez 305-470-2552, Senator Rosalind Osgood (954) 321-2705,
Here is the Message:
I am in SUPPORT of HB 1489 and believe that passing the bill will be important for Resiliency due to the lack of Infrastructure on one of Florida's most fragile barrier islands and will:
1) Reduce Sewerage going into the already suffering Indian River Lagoon,
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve, home of 3,000,000 hatchlings every summer;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes (single lane, causeways are 27 miles apart) and,
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up and rescue, not to repeat the events of Ian and Nicole.
Please vote in favor of HB 1489.
Thank You, (Your name) (Where you live)
LOCAL 4-2-23 UPDATE: The LOCAL Commission study to remove Policy 7.1 is delayed until Mid-May. We're gearing up and are looking for Team Co-Ordinators and members to help on the Local efforts. If you would like to help, please e-mail us at "want to help". Please keep collecting and signing Petitions on this site. At 1,100 now, looking for 2,000.
STATE 4-1-23 Action: This was Successful. Stand By. Signed Petitions: 1,154
Congratulations to all of you that worked so hard on this. We've cleared 4 committees, 2 to go, but We are not finished yet…So hang on! Only 2 weeks remaining in this session.
1) We need for House Chair Bobby Payne, Infrastructure Strategies Committee to put HB 1489 on their "agenda" for a vote.
2) We need for Senate Chair Debbie Mayfield, Rules Committee to put SB 1686 on their "agenda" for a vote
This has to happen in order for HB 1489 and SB 1686 to go forward.
Action! Please Make 2 calls (& e-mails, if time) ASAP beginning Monday April 3rd:
1) House of Representative Chair Payne 386-312-2272 [email protected]
SAY: Please put HB 1489 on the Infrastructure Strategies Committee Agenda
2) Senator Chair Mayfield 321-409-2025 [email protected]
SAY: Please put SB 1686 on the Rules Committee Agenda
Thank them for Supporting the Brevard Barrier Island Protection Act.
Leave a message if aide doesn't answer
3) If you have time, e-mail committee members:
On Subject Line: "Please put HB 1489 on the Infrastructure Strategies Committee Agenda"
[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]
On Subject Line: "Please put SB 1686 on the Rules Committee Agenda"
[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
STATE 4-1-23 Action: This was Successful. Stand By. Signed Petitions: 1,154
Congratulations to all of you that worked so hard on this. We've cleared 4 committees, 2 to go, but We are not finished yet…So hang on! Only 2 weeks remaining in this session.
1) We need for House Chair Bobby Payne, Infrastructure Strategies Committee to put HB 1489 on their "agenda" for a vote.
2) We need for Senate Chair Debbie Mayfield, Rules Committee to put SB 1686 on their "agenda" for a vote
This has to happen in order for HB 1489 and SB 1686 to go forward.
Action! Please Make 2 calls (& e-mails, if time) ASAP beginning Monday April 3rd:
1) House of Representative Chair Payne 386-312-2272 [email protected]
SAY: Please put HB 1489 on the Infrastructure Strategies Committee Agenda
2) Senator Chair Mayfield 321-409-2025 [email protected]
SAY: Please put SB 1686 on the Rules Committee Agenda
Thank them for Supporting the Brevard Barrier Island Protection Act.
Leave a message if aide doesn't answer
3) If you have time, e-mail committee members:
On Subject Line: "Please put HB 1489 on the Infrastructure Strategies Committee Agenda"
[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]
On Subject Line: "Please put SB 1686 on the Rules Committee Agenda"
[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
STATE 3-28-23
Progress: We have cleared in 4 committees, just 2 more to go!
We were successful in the House of Representatives in the 1st committee vote!
Congratulations to all of you that worked so hard on this. We are not finished yet, we have just begun. So hang on! Only 3 weeks remaining in this session.
We are now in the SENATE!
State Senators Vote Monday at 11:30 am.
SB 1686 is in our First SENATE Committee Hearing! Environment and Natural Resources committee.
A "yes" by this committee has to happen in order for the Bill 1686 to go forward. Together we can protect what we all have worked so hard for.
This is a big step for us, so let State Senate Chair Ana Maria Rodriguez and the entire committee of 8 other members know how much we appreciate selecting “Brevard Barrier Island Area Protection Act” to be heard.
Show your support: “I am in SUPPORT of HB 1686" Add more if you like, using your own words or borrow from below:
1) E-mail the 9 Senators: Cut and paste the Block of them below. Send to Rodriguez and copy (CC) the 8 others;
2) Call , the Chair Rodriguez, and all or as many as you can (if busy, just pick a few randomly so at least together, we get to all)
Today thru Sunday. Today and Tomorrow are best. (but any time 24 hours/day Saturday and Sunday is better than nothing)
“I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686”.
You know what we have at stake so please let your message show a strong support for this Bill.
1) E-Mails:
Please cut and paste and send E-mail to the Block Below:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
2) Calls: State Senators: SENATE Environment and Natural Resources committee
Chair Ana Maria Rodriguez (305) 470-2552; Gayle Harrell (772) 221-4019;
Tom Wright (386) 304-7630; Linda Stewart (407) 893-2422;
Debbie Mayfield (321) 409-2025; Ben Albritton (863) 534-0073;
Jonathan Martin (239) 338-2570; Bobby Powell (561) 650-6880;
Tina Scott Polsky (561) 443-8170;
Dear Senator (Last Name),
I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686 and believe that passing the bill will be important for one of Florida's most fragile barrier islands and will:
1) Reduce Sewerage going into the Indian River Lagoon, ;
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve, home of 3,000,000 hatchlings every summer;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes (single lane, 27 miles apart) and,
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up, trying not to repeat the events of Ian and Nicole.
Please vote in favor of SB 1686.
Thank You,
(Your name)
(Where you live)
Progress: We have cleared in 4 committees, just 2 more to go!
We were successful in the House of Representatives in the 1st committee vote!
Congratulations to all of you that worked so hard on this. We are not finished yet, we have just begun. So hang on! Only 3 weeks remaining in this session.
We are now in the SENATE!
State Senators Vote Monday at 11:30 am.
SB 1686 is in our First SENATE Committee Hearing! Environment and Natural Resources committee.
A "yes" by this committee has to happen in order for the Bill 1686 to go forward. Together we can protect what we all have worked so hard for.
This is a big step for us, so let State Senate Chair Ana Maria Rodriguez and the entire committee of 8 other members know how much we appreciate selecting “Brevard Barrier Island Area Protection Act” to be heard.
Show your support: “I am in SUPPORT of HB 1686" Add more if you like, using your own words or borrow from below:
1) E-mail the 9 Senators: Cut and paste the Block of them below. Send to Rodriguez and copy (CC) the 8 others;
2) Call , the Chair Rodriguez, and all or as many as you can (if busy, just pick a few randomly so at least together, we get to all)
Today thru Sunday. Today and Tomorrow are best. (but any time 24 hours/day Saturday and Sunday is better than nothing)
“I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686”.
You know what we have at stake so please let your message show a strong support for this Bill.
1) E-Mails:
Please cut and paste and send E-mail to the Block Below:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
2) Calls: State Senators: SENATE Environment and Natural Resources committee
Chair Ana Maria Rodriguez (305) 470-2552; Gayle Harrell (772) 221-4019;
Tom Wright (386) 304-7630; Linda Stewart (407) 893-2422;
Debbie Mayfield (321) 409-2025; Ben Albritton (863) 534-0073;
Jonathan Martin (239) 338-2570; Bobby Powell (561) 650-6880;
Tina Scott Polsky (561) 443-8170;
Dear Senator (Last Name),
I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686 and believe that passing the bill will be important for one of Florida's most fragile barrier islands and will:
1) Reduce Sewerage going into the Indian River Lagoon, ;
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve, home of 3,000,000 hatchlings every summer;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes (single lane, 27 miles apart) and,
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up, trying not to repeat the events of Ian and Nicole.
Please vote in favor of SB 1686.
Thank You,
(Your name)
(Where you live)
STATE 3-18-23 UPDATE: Brevard Barrier Island Protection Act
HB 1489 of Brevard Barrier Island bill to be heard in first committee on Tuesday 3-21 at 9 am !! A yes by this committee has to happen in order for the Bill 1489 to go forward. We then have to make it through 5 more committees. This will be a process of 4-5 weeks and if we all work together we can protect what we all have worked so hard for.
Please show your support: “I am in SUPPORT of HB 1489"
This is a big step for us, so let State Representative Chair James Buchanan and the entire committee of 17 other members know how much we appreciate him selecting “Brevard Barrier Island Area Protection Act” to be heard. Show your support: “I am in SUPPORT of HB 1489" Add more if you like, using your own words or borrow from below:
Action by you:
1) E-mail the 18 Representatives: Cut and paste to the Block of them below; “I am in SUPPORT of HB 1489"
2) Call Buchanan, the Chair, and all or as many as you can (if less than all, pick randomly so at least together, we get to all of them) before Tuesday (any time in the 24 hours/day today, Sunday or Monday) that “I am in SUPPORT of HB 1489”. You know what we have at stake so let your message show a strong support for this Bill.
State Representative's E-mails:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Phone Numbers:
Chair James Buchanan 941-429-4560; Robin Bartleman 954-424-6828; Tiffany Esposito 850-717-5077;
Rick Roth 561-791-4046; Adam Botana 239-949-6279; Christine Hunschofsky 954-956-5600;
Kelly Skidmore 561-496-5940; Robert A Brackett 772-778-5005; James Mooney, Jr 305-453-1202;
Shane Abbott 850-951-0547; Demi Busatta Cabrera 305-442-6808; Kevin M Steel 727-861-1898;
Daniel Antonio Alvarez 850-717-5069; Hillary Cassel 954-893-5030; Keith L Truenow 352-742-6275;
Bruce Hadley Antone 407-297-2001; Linda Chaney 727-341-7385; Kaylee Tuck 863-386-6000;
Dear Representative on the Agriculture, Conservation and Resiliency Sub-Committee,
I am in SUPPORT of HB 1489 and believe that passing the bill will be important for the Resiliency of one of Florida's most fragile barrier islands and will:
1) Reduce Sewerage going into the Indian River Lagoon, ;
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve, home of 3,000,000 hatchlings every summer;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes (single lane, 27 miles apart) and,
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up, trying not to repeat the events of Ian and Nicole.
Please vote in favor of HB 1489.
Thank You, (Your name) (Where you live)
HB 1489/SB 1686 Brevard Barrier Island Critical Area of State Concern
The southern barrier island of Brevard County represents one of the most fragile and endangered coastal ecosystems in North America and the beaches, dunes, coastal scrub, and maritime hammock areas of the barrier island ecosystem represent some of the most fragile and endangered natural upland communities in the state and nation.
In particular, the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge hosts the highest aggregation of loggerhead sea turtles in the United States and the Indian River Lagoon serves as important developmental habitat for a variety of species. In 2022 alone, the 20-mile stretch of the Refuge saw more than 30,000 sea turtle nests.
These ecosystems provide adjacent communities with recreation activities in the form of fishing, surfing, boating, bird watching, turtle watching, beachgoing, hiking, and more.
These recreational opportunities, in turn, fuel a thriving coastal tourism industry, and are an important part of a $625 million local tourism economy.
HB 1489/SB 1686 would serve as a statewide recognition of the critical importance of the Brevard Barrier Island Area and would create legislative intent to prevent the adverse impact of coastal development, reduce nutrient sources contributing to poor water quality within the Indian River Lagoon, protect shoreline and marine resources, and ensure that development is compatible with the area’s unique resources.
Like many places in Florida, Brevard County’s unique coastal and marine resources are under threat from overdevelopment. Local efforts to increase density along the South Beaches threaten this highly sensitive ecosystem and could lead to more problematic lighting, activity on the beach, and poorly managed coastal construction.
The passage of HB 1489/SB 1686 would allow for stronger scrutiny at the State level to be placed on proposed changes to the local comprehensive plan that could increase coastal density. Enhanced protection of the primary dune system of the barrier island would also better protect local development from storm surges associated with tropical storms and hurricanes.
By creating a special State designation and recommending density restrictions for this area, this bill would solidify the State’s commitment to policies that would not further harm the ecosystems and wildlife that inhabit it.
STATE 3-15-23 UPDATE: Brevard Barrier Island Protection Act
Our Legislators have brought forth companion State bills in each of the Senate and House called the "Brevard Barrier Island Protection Act" designating the South Beaches as an "Area of Critical State Concern". This will be voted on over the next several weeks by our Legislators.
Call State Senators and House of Representatives to show them overwhelming support to vote in favor of passing SB 1686 and HB 1489. There are 6 committees, 3 in each of the Senate and House. Call the Chair of all 6.
1) Call now...
SB 1686 HB 1489
Chair Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez 305-470-2552 Chair Representative Bobby Payne 386-312-2272
Chair Senator Alexis Calatayud 305-596-3002 Chair Representative James Buchanan 941-429-4560
Chair Senator Debbie Mayfield 321-409-2025 Chair Representative Thad Altman 321-425-6179
The Message: Use your own words to explain why you personally SUPPORT these bills or borrow from below:
I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686 and HB 1489 and believe that passing the bill will:
1) Reduce Sewerage going into the Indian River Lagoon;
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes and,
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up.
Please vote in favor of these bills.
Thank You,
(your name and where you live)
2) Send E-Mails... to Chairs and Aides of 6 Committees below:
HB 1489
Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency: [email protected], [email protected]
Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations: [email protected]; angé[email protected]
Infrastructure Strategies: [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]
SB 1686
Environment and Natural Resources: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Community Affairs: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Rules:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Our Legislators have brought forth companion State bills in each of the Senate and House called the "Brevard Barrier Island Protection Act" designating the South Beaches as an "Area of Critical State Concern". This will be voted on over the next several weeks by our Legislators.
Call State Senators and House of Representatives to show them overwhelming support to vote in favor of passing SB 1686 and HB 1489. There are 6 committees, 3 in each of the Senate and House. Call the Chair of all 6.
1) Call now...
SB 1686 HB 1489
Chair Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez 305-470-2552 Chair Representative Bobby Payne 386-312-2272
Chair Senator Alexis Calatayud 305-596-3002 Chair Representative James Buchanan 941-429-4560
Chair Senator Debbie Mayfield 321-409-2025 Chair Representative Thad Altman 321-425-6179
The Message: Use your own words to explain why you personally SUPPORT these bills or borrow from below:
I am in SUPPORT of SB 1686 and HB 1489 and believe that passing the bill will:
1) Reduce Sewerage going into the Indian River Lagoon;
2) Allow the Sea Turtle population to be preserved in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Reserve;
3) Save lives by not overwhelming the already limited Hurricane Evacuation routes and,
4) Reduce the public Federal, State and local expense for post-hurricane clean-up.
Please vote in favor of these bills.
Thank You,
(your name and where you live)
2) Send E-Mails... to Chairs and Aides of 6 Committees below:
HB 1489
Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency: [email protected], [email protected]
Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations: [email protected]; angé[email protected]
Infrastructure Strategies: [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]
SB 1686
Environment and Natural Resources: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Community Affairs: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Rules:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
STATE 3-8-23 UPDATE: Great News! STATE legislation is being proposed that would designate the South Beaches as an "Area of Critical State Concern", creating more scrutiny, covenants and oversite to preserve the current density of building on the South Beaches.
We will soon be sending out an e-mail ALERT! of action to be taken by the public to e-mail specific committee members.
Help preserve our fragile balance of population, sea-turtles, Indian River Lagoon, storm evacuation and traffic on the barrier island.
Please provide us your e-mail below and donate to the effort.
We will soon be sending out an e-mail ALERT! of action to be taken by the public to e-mail specific committee members.
Help preserve our fragile balance of population, sea-turtles, Indian River Lagoon, storm evacuation and traffic on the barrier island.
Please provide us your e-mail below and donate to the effort.
LOCAL 3-2-23 UPDATE: The LOCAL application for zoning and change to Policy 7.1 of the Brevard Comprehensive Plan was missing information that is now going to be provided by a $50-80,000 study using your tax dollars. The Brevard Commission has contracted for a "Small Area Study" to assess the impact of entirely REMOVING Policy 7.1, not just amending it as with previous 5610 amendment, to allow increased density. We are reviewing our resources to determine our level response.
LOCAL 2-24-23 Update: The response opposed to the zoning increase has caused the Applicant to TEMPORARILY withdraw their LOCAL request. Congratulations! Attendance at the March 13th zoning meeting for 5610 Hwy A1A is no longer necessary. The onslaught of opposition made it clear we are serious about protecting the South Beaches and the the Applicant to TEMPORARILY withdraw their request. That said, we are preparing for this to come up again in May or June, so expect an alert from us.
LOCAL 2-20-23 Update: BIPPA is against density increases on Brevard's South Beaches.
Our County Commission is about to cause the entire lifestyle of the community that you moved here for to disappear forever by amendments to our Comprehensive Plan and zoning laws.
Our County Commission is about to cause the entire lifestyle of the community that you moved here for to disappear forever by amendments to our Comprehensive Plan and zoning laws.
Stop South-Beaches-Wide Zoning Increase
Stop South-Beaches-Wide Zoning Increase
Please e-mail Brevard Planning & Zoning Board and County Commissioners to Oppose Zoning Increases and changes to the Comp Plan
This is an example of an e-mail to send. Feel free to personalize your own:
I am opposed to PZ# 22LS00002, Tax ID # 2963382, to increasing density on Brevard's south beaches and to changing Policy 7.1 of the Coastal Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Changes will: 1) impair my ability to evacuate, causing risk to my family from hurricanes, 2) contribute to the pollution of raw sewerage into the Indian River Lagoon from more septic tanks as there are no sewers in the area, 3) are detrimental to the nesting sea-turtle population and, 4) destroy the valuable rural beach habitat of diverse wildlife, forever.
I am opposed to PZ# 22LS00002, Tax ID # 2963382, to increasing density on Brevard's south beaches and to changing Policy 7.1 of the Coastal Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Changes will: 1) impair my ability to evacuate, causing risk to my family from hurricanes, 2) contribute to the pollution of raw sewerage into the Indian River Lagoon from more septic tanks as there are no sewers in the area, 3) are detrimental to the nesting sea-turtle population and, 4) destroy the valuable rural beach habitat of diverse wildlife, forever.
Send emails to: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected],
(zoning, natural resources, senior planner, and county attorney and manager, respectively, for Planning and Zoning meetings in Viera)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], (commissioners: Pritchett, Goodson, Tobia, Feltner, Zonka)
(zoning, natural resources, senior planner, and county attorney and manager, respectively, for Planning and Zoning meetings in Viera)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], (commissioners: Pritchett, Goodson, Tobia, Feltner, Zonka)
Please e-mail to our State Legislators to "Oppose" Zoning Increases and changes to the Comprehensive Plan
This is an example of an e-mail to send. Feel free to personalize your own:
I am opposed to increasing density on Brevard's south beaches and to changing Policy 7.1 of the Coastal Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Changes will: 1) impair my ability to evacuate, causing risk to my family from hurricanes, 2) contribute to the pollution of raw sewerage into the Indian River Lagoon from more septic tanks as there are no sewers in the area, 3) are detrimental to the nesting sea-turtle population, 4) cause more post-hurricane public expenditures and, 5) destroy the valuable rural beach habitat of diverse wildlife, forever.
It is within your purview to STOP the proposed degradation by designating the South Beaches as an "area of critical state concern", to direct the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to deny Brevard from making detrimental Amendments and, to enforce F.S. 163.3177-8 and Governor DeSantis' EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 23-06 (Achieving Even More Now for Florida's Environment)
On January 10, 2023, Governor DeSantis issued an Executive Order regarding the environment. Key provisions of the order include:
And in Section 2:
2) Protecting and Restoring the Indian River Lagoon
D. Taking actions to reduce nutrient contributions to the IRL from septic tanks.
I am opposed to increasing density on Brevard's south beaches and to changing Policy 7.1 of the Coastal Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Changes will: 1) impair my ability to evacuate, causing risk to my family from hurricanes, 2) contribute to the pollution of raw sewerage into the Indian River Lagoon from more septic tanks as there are no sewers in the area, 3) are detrimental to the nesting sea-turtle population, 4) cause more post-hurricane public expenditures and, 5) destroy the valuable rural beach habitat of diverse wildlife, forever.
It is within your purview to STOP the proposed degradation by designating the South Beaches as an "area of critical state concern", to direct the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to deny Brevard from making detrimental Amendments and, to enforce F.S. 163.3177-8 and Governor DeSantis' EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 23-06 (Achieving Even More Now for Florida's Environment)
On January 10, 2023, Governor DeSantis issued an Executive Order regarding the environment. Key provisions of the order include:
- Directing the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to:
And in Section 2:
2) Protecting and Restoring the Indian River Lagoon
D. Taking actions to reduce nutrient contributions to the IRL from septic tanks.
Send emails to: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected],
How can I attend government meetings to provide support in person?
Reference application: PZ #22LS00002. :
Reference application: PZ #22LS00002. :
- . The item is scheduled for the following public hearings at: Viera Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, Fl. Bldg. C, 1st Floor, (call to confirm meeting has not been postponed at 321-633-2187)
- March 13 - P & Z/LPA Transmittal Hearing at 3 pm
- April 6 – Board of Co. Commissioners Transmittal Hearing at 5 pm
- July 17 – P & Z/LPA Adoption Hearing at 3 pm
- August 3 – Board of Co. Commissioners Adoption Hearing at 5 pm
GOAL of Current Brevard Comprehensive Plan
E-Mail sent by BIPPA to State Legislators representing Brevard Beaches (and other areas)
This letter went to Representatives Altman, Fine, Brackett, Sirois and Tramont, and Senators Mayfield and Wright
The residents of Brevard’s South Beaches are most grateful for your recent time and close attention to threats of uncontrolled development in the area. We know that you well understand the risks posed. The South Beaches constitute a pristine, unique asset for all of Florida. The area lends great value to the State tourism industry and features irreplaceable historical and environmental treasures that win national – and even international - recognition. The South Beaches, having great value even beyond the confines of Brevard, should not be threatened by local parochial interests that ignore the wider value, with a plain view toward exercising all state oversight and allowing uncontrolled development.
Since you last met with us on January 11, an event has taken place that requires urgent attention at the State level. A developer has filed an application to amend Brevard’s Comprehensive Plan that would wrench all State oversight of development in the South Beaches and place exclusive, unlimited control of development in local hands. The application would change the entire Comprehensive Plan in a poorly veiled effort to effectively nullify the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) for all of Brevard’s South Beaches. If the application is approved, density and development intensity increases will no longer require any individual Comprehensive Plan amendments and would no longer need to go to the DEO! Any new increased development in the area would require only a local zoning change – and such changes would be consistent with the revised Comprehensive Plan as a matter of law.
This radical proposal presents major costs to the State, costs to natural resources, to infrastructure, to residents’ homes and lives, and of course the dramatic State costs for recovery from similar sensitive areas damaged by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole.
On March 13, the application to amend the existing "South Beaches-wide" Policy 7.1 of the Comprehensive Plan will come before the Brevard County Zoning Board for Transmittal, followed by County Commission consideration, review by DEO, then to both boards for final Adoption as law. Here is the language being proposed:
Policy 7.1 is a clarification of a Goal of the Coastal Element of the Comp Plan, currently providing specifically that:
“Brevard County shall not increase residential density designations for properties located on the barrier island between the southern boundary of Melbourne Beach and the Sebastian Inlet.”
The applicant has asked to modify (in red) the provision as follows:
“Brevard County shall not increase residential density for properties located on the barrier island between the southern boundary of Melbourne Beach and the Sebastian Inlet if the properties are shown to be in the high hazard area in the CHHA area.",
thereby destroying the clear intention to specifically protect the critical area of Melbourne Beach to the Sebastian Inlet.
Policy 7.1 currently singles out this critical area, intentionally and unequivocally, in a sentence of its own, in anticipation of possible future changes to the CHHA. i.e., there are many reasons for the protection of this specific critical area and the CHHA is only one of the reasons.
Crucially, since almost 0% of South Beaches properties are in the current out-of-date CHHA (Coastal High Hazard Area) map, by changing just a few words of text, this amendment could allow future density and intensity increases on ALL of Brevard’s South Beaches by a simple local zoning action, bypassing DEO, unless the State steps in now.
If passed, this could happen quickly, allowing most of the South Beaches to rapidly up-zone, fulfilling a Brevard County Commissioner promise of October 6, 2022, which you, Representative Fine and other delegates were so clearly against on January 11th. The South Beaches, with all the hurricane, flooding and environmental risks they face, would foreseeably become a concrete canyon stripped of its enormous State value and, a huge risk to the resources of the State.
By changing just a few words, this amendment would:
1) nullify other criteria (evacuation, sewerage, water, sea-turtle refuge, resiliency, etc).
2) destroy the Future Land Use (FLU) section of the Comp Plan and;
3) eradicate the need for individual comprehensive plan amendment for private parcels and bypass DEO for all future zoning increases.
Your help is urgently needed.
(1) First, we ask that you alert DEO to the real effect of this proposed amendment. DEO should find the amendment not consistent and recommend that it not be approved.
Further, since it affects thousands of properties which together are more than 50 acres, this is not a "small scale amendment" and should be rejected.
(2) Second, the South Beaches urgently need State Legislation to permanently, and specifically, protect the South Beaches and prevent over-development, this session, if at all possible. Such legislation could be a special bill or, as described in our last email, general law targeting the South Beaches area.
In our last e-mail, we asked to consider adding legislation to F.S. 163.3177 (or, similar to F.S. 380.0555, as "an area of critical state concern", or F.S. 258.501 as “wild and scenic designation”) to circumvent continuous requests like this, but now the matter has become more urgent.
Finally, we provide the following additional information as background to demonstrate the long-reaching effect of this proposed plan amendment.
(1) The applicant's objective could easily be accomplished through a site-specific amendment without changing Policy 7.1. Further, the proposal makes no sense in light of the applicant’s individual parcel. The property is on the west side of A1A. It's not in the CHHA on anybody's map. So why use this zoning change request to justify the change to the entire Comprehensive Plan? Is it because it would set a precedent, allowing others to follow, once the protections of the Comp Plan are DEO-bypassed? We say yes.
(2) Simultaneously, in lock-step, the Commission has singled out the South Beaches and approved a $50,000, Small Area Study, the only one in all of Brevard County, presumably to follow up on stated intentions to increase density for the South Beaches (even though a $40,000 study in 2020 says the South Beaches are density right-sized until at least 2040).
We are fully aware of your and our legislators’ efforts going into preserving State and Federal resources and fulfilling Governor DeSantis' January 10th Executive Order regarding the environment and resiliency, and thank you all, and your staff, for sticking with this.
Further, your constituents are ready to support your efforts as necessary, including e-mails and calls to committee members, when the time comes.
This letter went to Representatives Altman, Fine, Brackett, Sirois and Tramont, and Senators Mayfield and Wright
The residents of Brevard’s South Beaches are most grateful for your recent time and close attention to threats of uncontrolled development in the area. We know that you well understand the risks posed. The South Beaches constitute a pristine, unique asset for all of Florida. The area lends great value to the State tourism industry and features irreplaceable historical and environmental treasures that win national – and even international - recognition. The South Beaches, having great value even beyond the confines of Brevard, should not be threatened by local parochial interests that ignore the wider value, with a plain view toward exercising all state oversight and allowing uncontrolled development.
Since you last met with us on January 11, an event has taken place that requires urgent attention at the State level. A developer has filed an application to amend Brevard’s Comprehensive Plan that would wrench all State oversight of development in the South Beaches and place exclusive, unlimited control of development in local hands. The application would change the entire Comprehensive Plan in a poorly veiled effort to effectively nullify the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) for all of Brevard’s South Beaches. If the application is approved, density and development intensity increases will no longer require any individual Comprehensive Plan amendments and would no longer need to go to the DEO! Any new increased development in the area would require only a local zoning change – and such changes would be consistent with the revised Comprehensive Plan as a matter of law.
This radical proposal presents major costs to the State, costs to natural resources, to infrastructure, to residents’ homes and lives, and of course the dramatic State costs for recovery from similar sensitive areas damaged by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole.
On March 13, the application to amend the existing "South Beaches-wide" Policy 7.1 of the Comprehensive Plan will come before the Brevard County Zoning Board for Transmittal, followed by County Commission consideration, review by DEO, then to both boards for final Adoption as law. Here is the language being proposed:
Policy 7.1 is a clarification of a Goal of the Coastal Element of the Comp Plan, currently providing specifically that:
“Brevard County shall not increase residential density designations for properties located on the barrier island between the southern boundary of Melbourne Beach and the Sebastian Inlet.”
The applicant has asked to modify (in red) the provision as follows:
“Brevard County shall not increase residential density for properties located on the barrier island between the southern boundary of Melbourne Beach and the Sebastian Inlet if the properties are shown to be in the high hazard area in the CHHA area.",
thereby destroying the clear intention to specifically protect the critical area of Melbourne Beach to the Sebastian Inlet.
Policy 7.1 currently singles out this critical area, intentionally and unequivocally, in a sentence of its own, in anticipation of possible future changes to the CHHA. i.e., there are many reasons for the protection of this specific critical area and the CHHA is only one of the reasons.
Crucially, since almost 0% of South Beaches properties are in the current out-of-date CHHA (Coastal High Hazard Area) map, by changing just a few words of text, this amendment could allow future density and intensity increases on ALL of Brevard’s South Beaches by a simple local zoning action, bypassing DEO, unless the State steps in now.
If passed, this could happen quickly, allowing most of the South Beaches to rapidly up-zone, fulfilling a Brevard County Commissioner promise of October 6, 2022, which you, Representative Fine and other delegates were so clearly against on January 11th. The South Beaches, with all the hurricane, flooding and environmental risks they face, would foreseeably become a concrete canyon stripped of its enormous State value and, a huge risk to the resources of the State.
By changing just a few words, this amendment would:
1) nullify other criteria (evacuation, sewerage, water, sea-turtle refuge, resiliency, etc).
2) destroy the Future Land Use (FLU) section of the Comp Plan and;
3) eradicate the need for individual comprehensive plan amendment for private parcels and bypass DEO for all future zoning increases.
Your help is urgently needed.
(1) First, we ask that you alert DEO to the real effect of this proposed amendment. DEO should find the amendment not consistent and recommend that it not be approved.
Further, since it affects thousands of properties which together are more than 50 acres, this is not a "small scale amendment" and should be rejected.
(2) Second, the South Beaches urgently need State Legislation to permanently, and specifically, protect the South Beaches and prevent over-development, this session, if at all possible. Such legislation could be a special bill or, as described in our last email, general law targeting the South Beaches area.
In our last e-mail, we asked to consider adding legislation to F.S. 163.3177 (or, similar to F.S. 380.0555, as "an area of critical state concern", or F.S. 258.501 as “wild and scenic designation”) to circumvent continuous requests like this, but now the matter has become more urgent.
Finally, we provide the following additional information as background to demonstrate the long-reaching effect of this proposed plan amendment.
(1) The applicant's objective could easily be accomplished through a site-specific amendment without changing Policy 7.1. Further, the proposal makes no sense in light of the applicant’s individual parcel. The property is on the west side of A1A. It's not in the CHHA on anybody's map. So why use this zoning change request to justify the change to the entire Comprehensive Plan? Is it because it would set a precedent, allowing others to follow, once the protections of the Comp Plan are DEO-bypassed? We say yes.
(2) Simultaneously, in lock-step, the Commission has singled out the South Beaches and approved a $50,000, Small Area Study, the only one in all of Brevard County, presumably to follow up on stated intentions to increase density for the South Beaches (even though a $40,000 study in 2020 says the South Beaches are density right-sized until at least 2040).
We are fully aware of your and our legislators’ efforts going into preserving State and Federal resources and fulfilling Governor DeSantis' January 10th Executive Order regarding the environment and resiliency, and thank you all, and your staff, for sticking with this.
Further, your constituents are ready to support your efforts as necessary, including e-mails and calls to committee members, when the time comes.